Is Your Business a Gambling Machine?

Is Your Business a Gambling Machine?

What should I do with my Profit First,  Profit Account balance? I remember one time we were traveling through Las Vegas. When we checked in, the hotel we were staying at gave us each a roll of coins for the slot machines. I’ve never been much interested in gambling so...
Do you have a vision problem?

Do you have a vision problem?

No, I’m not asking about your last visit to the eye doctor, silly. But I do want to talk about your vision.  Last month we talked about the power of a mission statement. That is your “WHY.” Understanding why you do what you do creates purpose and passion. This month...
Are we having fun yet? Well, maybe…

Are we having fun yet? Well, maybe…

The Results of the Poll Are In Your Employees might not be! Everyone knows who the Gallup organization is, right? You remember those “Gallop Polls?” Well, according to their State of the Global Workplace Report, employee engagement has been taking a hit the last...