Underused Housing Tax Act

Underused Housing Tax Act

Oh Great, Another New Tax to pay?? Underused Housing Tax Act (UHTA) Canadian Bill C-8, which proposes the Underused Housing Tax Act (UHTA), was introduced in December 2021 and received royal assent in June 2022. What is it? It applies an annual 1% tax on certain...
How to improve your Inventory Process

How to improve your Inventory Process

A business that involves inventory is exciting to set up, but it also comes with its share of challenges. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by inventory management. Adopting some helpful tools and strategies will make the inventory management process much easier. Read...
How to manage small business inventory

How to manage small business inventory

When starting a small business, business owners often think about things like the storefront, branding, and displays. They think of smiling employees and happy customers. It’s not usually the image of the shelves and cupboards in the back stockroom that fill their...
Should I be issuing T4A slips?

Should I be issuing T4A slips?

If you are a business or non-profit organization in Canada then the answer is YES. You are required to issues a T4A slip to ANYONE whom you pay any of the following types of revenue to: pension or superannuation lump-sum payments self-employed commissions annuities...