What the heck is a Sales Funnel?

What the heck is a Sales Funnel?

Funnel cakes, funnel clouds, sales funnels, there are funnels all around us… You’ve probably been hearing this term used a lot lately, along with a sales pipeline. There are many confusing definitions surrounding this area. A sales funnel and a sales pipeline are...
What’s the outlook for 2024?

What’s the outlook for 2024?

We have for you, the good, the bad, and the ugly (the good is at the end so you leave on a positive note!!) We’ve been through so much turmoil in the last 3 years.  So what is the forecast for this year?  While we don’t have a crystal ball, here are Peter’s...
A Penny for your thoughts… Are you ready for 2024?

A Penny for your thoughts… Are you ready for 2024?

Well, have you been thinking about your goals? Oh wait, are you one of those people that believe in New Year’s Resolutions? I used to be one of those myself. But I’ve since learned the difference between a wish and a plan. So what is the difference between a...