Taxing Crypto in Canada

Taxing Crypto in Canada

IMPORTANT NOTE: This article discusses Canadian Taxation matters and may not be applicable to those outside of Canada.  Personal circumstances play a significant role in determining your taxation situation and should be discussed with a tax professional to determine...
Making Business Tax Payments to CRA

Making Business Tax Payments to CRA

Most online banking platforms have a Tax Payments module that will allow you to set up your business tax payments.  Please note that most will need payments setup one day in advance of the due date.  Please note that if the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or...
Underused Housing Tax Act

Underused Housing Tax Act

Oh Great, Another New Tax to pay?? Underused Housing Tax Act (UHTA) Canadian Bill C-8, which proposes the Underused Housing Tax Act (UHTA), was introduced in December 2021 and received royal assent in June 2022. What is it? It applies an annual 1% tax on certain...