Frequently asked questions
How hard is Xero to use?
Will Xero hook up to my bank and credit card company?
Can my customers pay their invoices online?
But wait, what if I want to create a special report?
How about going paperless?
Are you sick and tired dealing with paper? Well then get rid of it. Xero has a companion product called Hubdoc, which functions as a document management system. Our clients use Hubdoc to upload all their vendor invoices and receipts, and then our bookkeeping staff reviews, codes and pushes them into Xero. Then when the expenditures come in from the bank and credit card feeds, Xero matches them up and attaches the docs to the transactions where they are 24/7 accessible. Best of all, Hubdoc comes FREE with Xero.
Login anytime, on any device…
Xero works on any internet connected device like a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop device. It’s all in the cloud
Bank Level Security
Xero has bank level security to make sure all your data is 100% protected 24/7. Xero employs Third-Party Authentication to protect access to your sensitive financial data.
Never worry about losing your data
Need others to access your system?

Connect to other apps!!
Customer Relationship Management systems
CRM’s to manage your contacts, emails, calls, notes, etc.
Payroll companies
Job management systems.
Job or project costing.
We’re proud to represent

How about we do a demo with ya? Come on, you’ve got nothing to lose but an hour of time?