You have Xero chances of failing with XERO!!

Fuel Accountants is a Platinum Champion Xero Partner. Why? Thought you’d never ask!!

Finally, someone invented smart accounting software!!
Xero Software is REALLY smart and learns how to code your expenses as you use the system. It actually anticipates where to code your expenses. Xero also has an extremely sophisticated bank rules system where you can separate and create your own rules on where and/or how much of a transaction should be recorded in specific accounts.
Show me the Money!!
Want to see how much money you have in the bank? Then you’ve come to the right place!! Xero has a nifty, easy to read dashboard. It gives you BOTH the daily balance at the bank, and the book balance that shows uncleared checks. AND Xero lets us reconcile the bank and card accounts weekly, or even daily if you need that level of detail.

Frequently asked questions

How hard is Xero to use?
Now there’s an important question!! Let me answer it by saying that 85% of everything you will use Xero for is accessible with one little click. Want to generate a purchase order? Click. Want to enter a customer invoice? Click. How about entering a vendor bill? Same thing, Click. You’re going to absolutely love this software!!
Will Xero hook up to my bank and credit card company?
Of course, silly!! Xero has the ability to connect with almost all USA based bank and credit card companies. The transactions are then streamed down into Xero each day.
Can my customers pay their invoices online?
Why not? We’d never want you to wait longer than necessary to collect your customer invoices. That’s why Xero has the ability of emailing out your invoices to your customers with a “PAY NOW” button. Customers simply click on that button, add their bank or card info, and then SNAP!! It gets paid. And Xero integrates with many different payment gateways to give you the flexibility of choosing and managing your payment fees.
But wait, what if I want to create a special report?
No worries, mate!! Xero has top shelf customizable reporting capabilities. As an example, we can set up Xero to generate a specialized P&L by business segment or location. We can save these reports with a unique name, and then add them to your favorites drop down in the accounting tab.
How about going paperless?

Are you sick and tired dealing with paper? Well then get rid of it. Xero has a companion product called Hubdoc, which functions as a document management system. Our clients use Hubdoc to upload all their vendor invoices and receipts, and then our bookkeeping staff reviews, codes and pushes them into Xero. Then when the expenditures come in from the bank and credit card feeds, Xero matches them up and attaches the docs to the transactions where they are 24/7 accessible. Best of all, Hubdoc comes FREE with Xero.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…

Login anytime, on any device…

Xero works on any internet connected device like a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop device. It’s all in the cloud


Bank Level Security

Xero has bank level security to make sure all your data is 100% protected 24/7. Xero employs Third-Party Authentication to protect access to your sensitive financial data.

Never worry about losing your data

No more backups!! Xero does that for you using remote, redundant cloud based servers

Need others to access your system?

Xero has you covered. In Xero, you can set up specific access for each user. And you can restrict access to meet their specific roles and responsibilities.
Need to take off somewhere?
Xero has an EXCELLENT, easy to use mobile app that lets you:
Generate quotes while out in the field
Convert the quotes to jobs
Generate changes orders
Create and email a final invoice
See your bank balances whenever you want
Upload all your expense receipts and vendor invoices
And more…



Connect to other apps!!

Xero has a robust API structure that connects to hundreds of different applications like:
Who wants to pay by the user? Not you?
Well then, you’ve come to the right place!! Xero has one inexpensive monthly subscription free. They don’t charge by user. So you can have 1, or 20+ users accessing your Xero software. The monthly cost is the same.

Customer Relationship Management systems

CRM’s to manage your contacts, emails, calls, notes, etc.

Payroll companies

Payroll companies like Gusto Software and ADP. When you run your payroll, the data automatically pushes to Xero, and you can separate payroll into different categories on your profit & Loss Statements

Job management systems.

Assign your people to specific jobs at specific times, and when the job is completed, generate an invoice to your customer

Job or project costing.

While Xero does have a project costing module, it also integrates into other more sophisticated project management systems

We’re proud to represent

The clients we set up in Xero love it. And so will you!!

How about we do a demo with ya? Come on, you’ve got nothing to lose but an hour of time?