Do you have a vision problem?

No, I’m not asking about your last visit to the eye doctor, silly. But I do want to talk about your vision.
Last month we talked about the power of a mission statement. That is your “WHY.” Understanding why you do what you do creates purpose and passion.
This month I’d like to talk about your VISION!! Yes, your business vision!! Do you have one? I hear all the time from small/medium business owners (SMB’s), that they don’t really have a vision. Why? Most say that things are changing so rapidly that they would have to regularly change that vision anyway. So what’s the point of having one?
Ok, I’ll tell you the point with an example. Get in my car (in the passenger seat) and let’s go for a ride. So I start driving and we take off. After driving for a while, what do you think is the first thing you will ask?
Where are we going?
Why would you bother asking that? Because nobody likes the idea of driving around aimlessly without having a destination. You see where I’m going with this? As much as you wouldn’t like this trip, think about the ride you’re giving your employees? You’re the driver, they are the passengers. It’s not very fun for them when you don’t have a vision, or if you keep your vision hidden to yourself.
Additionally, how could you possibly expect them to be engaged in contributing to your vision if you don’t have one, or if you keep it to yourself?
Getting the picture now?
At Fuel Accountants, we are about halfway through our 3 year vision. We evangelize it regularly with our folks, and even ask them to repeat it during our team meetings.
You should do this, too. And by the by, your vision should be crystal clear, and everyone on the team should also be crystal clear on how they should be contributing to it.
Need help formulating your vision? Call us! We’ve helped many of our clients develop and clarify their unique vision!!